Holy Spirit Or Water Baptism?

The baptism commanded is water baptism (Acts 10:47-48). Baptism in water is inherently linked with preaching Jesus (Acts 8:35-38). 2. Holy baptism was a promise to a selected group of individuals (John 14:26Acts 1:4-5), and is recorded as only happening twice (Acts 2:1-411:15-17). 3. The baptism linked with salvation is water baptism (1 Peter 3:20-21). It is a baptism that requires the individual to arise (Acts 22:16). 4. Therefore, the one essential baptism of Ephesians 4:5, the baptism commanded of every person, is water baptism, for it is the salvation associated with salvation. Telling people they are saved prior to being baptized in water is failing to tell them the truth (Mark 16:16Acts 2:38).

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